Notes for KWRuby March 2016: Docker

Tim Laurence presented to KWRuby on March 15 2016. He took us through a workshop on how to use the Docker system for managing containers.

Tim has also done some other related presentations:

And finally the notes for this presentation:

  • Tim has a CS background and has been working as a sysadmin for ~20 years
  • he has coming backing into some developer stuff recently, working mostly in python
  • Docker containers are composed of layered file system images
    • these are layered together to get the final operating system
    • layers can removed (i.e., block out) things from previous layers
    • layers are addressed by hash so they cannot change without notice
  • when running a container changes occur in the top layer, which is read-write
  • you can list all the layers and their total size
docker images
  • is the default place to find and publish docker images
    • it is also possible to store a private repository for private images or for local caching
    • anyone can push and images into
    • so there are official images and un-official ones
    • looks sort of like projects on github
  • docker log returns to the STDOUT or STDERR
  • can turn a container into and image
    • tim is not going to show that but you can do it if you absolutely need to
  • list the contains which are running
docker ps
  • list all the contains, of any status
docker ps -a
  • can mount host directories in the docker container, either Read-Write or ReadOnly
  • docker has recently added a plugin system, examples of plugins include:
    • making two systems appears local to each other
    • use other external storage systems (e.g., NAS type stuff)
  • can mount a simple directory with docker volume for local data
  • there are various ways to handle secrets, but no canonical way to do it
  • images can be created by using a Dockerfile
  • docker-compose
    • will run and coordinate various docker machines
    • it seems very similar to a Vagrant file